Thursday, September 24, 2009

Songs That Make You Smile

Music is like sex in the sense that it can touch us in a way that leaves us craving for more, puts us to sleep, moves our hips, or makes us cringe in embarrassment. Some people like it loud, hard and fast while others like it slow, smooth and soft. Some albums last over an hour while some are only good for the first 3 minutes. You can enjoy music anywhere! My point is that everyone appreciates music differently. The songs that I'll be sharing with you are so popular that it makes the Pope look like Bronson Pinchot (Who the hell is that, you ask?--Exactly).

Jermaine Jackson-Escape From The Planet Of The Antmen

We've all wondered what would happen if earth was a planet filled with ant men. Jermaine Jackson poetically describes a world where ant men rule and how a lone man can escape. This is the kind of song you can groove to at your grandmother's Sadie Hawkins dance over at the ol' retirement home. THIS is the kind of jam you should be requesting at the disco. T-Pain, take notes!

The Egyptian Lover - Freak-A-Holic

If you've ever had an addiction, this should bring you some hope. The Egyptian Lover is a visionary and a true musician. His lyrical style has influenced respectable artists ranging from Lil' Mama, Corbin Bleu, to Nick Cannon. He mentions that sexaholism is his new game but I haven't played it yet. Was that on Atari?

LFO - Summer Girls

This next group dispels any stereotype about your average Orange County white guy. Their album has sold so many records that the music industry couldn't afford to buy compact discs to support the craze, so they instead opted to sell their music on Itunes. They make every day feel like the summertime and the days of summer hot, with their panty-wetting harmonies. Who doesn't love girls who wear Abercrombie and Fitch!?

It's a shame that music these days aren't produced with the same quality as they were in the good ol' days. What ever happened to the love for making beautiful music? I hope there'll be brighter days for the music industry. So until next time, your friend Andrew and Bronson Pinchot wish you well!

Bronson Pinchot of "Perfect Strangers"


  1. hahaha, music is like sex, I had never thought of that but it's so true. gosh that Perfect Strangers theme brings me back...standing taaaaall on the wings on my dreams...

  2. diggin the LFO video. made me avoid abercrombie and also the male capri's. we should all bleach the tips of our hairs like those guys.

  3. LOL at the LFO video. And, Perfect Strangers??? You just brought me back to the good ol days of the early '90s. That theme song was great. That one and, "Whos the boss" were my favorties. Good post man!

  4. wow bringing back the memories. Its great how much time and effort and writing that your put into your blogs, I am very impressed.
